• darkblurbg
  • darkblurbg
  • darkblurbg

The MPT-M1-65 R/W stands for MagProtect Taillift, the MPT protector is specially developed for protecting and marking tailgates. The existing protector also had this application, but the experiences of the transporters made us modernize the current protector. In cooperation with St. van den Brink and others, we came to a product that satisfies de safety requirements that transporters would love to see when using their tailgates.

The magnets keep the protectors at their place when the tailgate touches the ground. The protector will tilt up when touching the ground and will fall back to their place when the tailgate rises. All of this to protect and mark at all time. When the tailgate closes, it is possible to move the protector a little bit to let it remain on its place. It is also possible to take it off when it's not used.  

For aluminium tailgates there are galvanized metal plates available in the shape of a protector. This are easily to mount with the 3 supplied pop rivets.  



  • Item number: MP1004
  • Perfect to use for exceptional loads, tailgates, forklifts   
  • Color: Red/White striping, other combinations available 
  • Dimensions: 150 x 150 mm
  • Weight: 254 grams 
  • NeoDymium Potmagnet
  • 2 flat sides, 3M foil 
  • 1 Magnet, 65 kg pullforce
  • Stock product, available 



  • Company name or logo imprinted on 3M foil 



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